Work package coordination

The WOSCAP project is organised around six Work Packages (WP) which complement each other, describe the logical progression of the project, and define the role division amongst the consortium partners. The WP structure will also provide the framework for the PME aspects of the project.

WP1 – Coordination & Quality

GPPAC as Project Coordinator, and UU as Scientific Coordinator, jointly support the project throughout its duration with project management (GPPAC) and quality assurance (UU), linked through the PME system. GPPAC ensures coordination, timely delivery of project outputs and compliance with contractual obligations and rules. The quality assurance is overseen by UU and the project Steering Group, with the purpose of checking and approving project plans, progress reports and deliverables.

WP2 – Methodology and Theoretical Framework

Led by LSE, this work package elaborates the conceptual and theoretical grounding of the project, with a thorough preparation and the development of a common approach to the project methodology. This will include a policy briefing, several scoping studies, and an agreed lexicon of concepts. A series of methodology workshops will also inform the identification of research questions for the empirical studies and structuring of case study fieldwork. The process of developing the theoretical grounding together will enhance the capacity of both EU-based on third party country partners. In-country training and planning workshops with case study researchers will lead to fully briefed and capacitated local research teams, as well as actionable research plans.

WP3 – Assessment

WP3 revolves around "Review": the assessment of EU peacebuilding capabilities based on case studies, led by UU in collaboration with TSU, USJP, IWP, and PDF. Local research teams will carry out and validate field research in four contexts: Georgia, Mali, Ukraine and Yemen, focusing on the three capability clusters: multi-track diplomacy, SSR and governance reform. The in-depth research is complemented by a desk review on cases in other contexts. The research teams will compare approaches across case studies. Preliminary findings will be discussed and peer reviewed by local peacebuilding practitioners that are part of the GPPAC civil society network, namely ICCN, WANEP, AMES and HRITC. Based on the case study reports will draft a synoptic paper to be presented to the community of practice for analysis.

WP4 – Best Practices

WP4 ensures that the project builds on existing knowledge and expertise by investigating lessons learned and involving experts, practitioners and stakeholders in a community of practice. In parallel with the Assessment (WP3), WP4 will focus on identifying best practices, analysis and stakeholder engagement on the cross-cutting themes of local ownership, gender, multi-stakeholder coherence, civil-military synergy and the use of ICTs. In addition, a qualitative review will be carried out amongst relevant EU policymakers and staff in Brussels to assess the institutional framework in relation to the EU's Comprehensive Approach to conflict prevention and peacebuilding. There will be a comparative analysis of findings, feeding into a number of key deliverables.

WP5 – Policy Engagement & Impact

To ensure the necessary impact of the project, WP5 will convert the research findings into actionable policy recommendations and engage key stakeholders in policy discussions about their implementation. The policy engagement will take place at three levels, targeting practitioners and local stakeholders at field level, involving EU and member state policymakers, EU staff and other key stakeholders in Brussels, and via the consortium partners in EU member states. Key deliverables include policy briefings with tailored policy recommendations in several EU and case study country languages, and an international conference to present the assessment findings.

WP6 – Dissemination & Communication

This work package will be throughout the project, to support the dissemination and communication on the activities of all other work packages. It includes both on- and offline activities, the website and online workspace, events and publications. Public communication activities, key events and deliverables will be live-streamed, published and disseminated through a proactive stakeholder engagement and media strategy. It includes the development of a visual identity and communication protocol for a unified and strategic dissemination of the project's activities and findings.